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January 12, 2023

4 Ways to Leverage Hybrid Work

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With return-to-office policies catching everyone’s attention, companies like The Walt Disney Company and Starbucks are learning that going backwards may come with backlash. Some leaders may find hybrid work can be a win-win for everyone.

Hybrid work is any arrangement that brings people together at the same time for part of the workweek and grants them flexibility the rest of the time. Different companies will have different transition plans, but nearly everyone wants the same thing: Keep the flexibility of remote work and harness the collaborative power of offices.

In the #metaverse, you’ll find both a workspace and a framework for you to launch new programs, connect teams across your company, and optimize #hybridwork strategies as you grow.

Here’s how you can evolve your hybrid work strategy, so that your staff can aim their greatest efforts at revenue-generating activities.

Establish a Digital HQ

Transition teamwork into the metaverse to give your hybrid work strategy a head start over your competition. There are two main ways virtual offices can enhance your operations.

For starters, they give your staff a place to gather. For example, in Virbela, people interact as avatars, letting everyone meet in settings that feel familiar. Due to the easy scalability of virtual worlds, many companies can provide each staff member with their own office. Groups can meet in boardrooms, while even larger groups, up to the thousands, can meet in auditoriums.

Building your metaverse capabilities now also means that, as the world conducts more business in virtual spaces, your company will be adept, agile, and ready to capitalize on emerging opportunities.

Strengthen Company Culture

Careers can be a strong source of personal satisfaction for individuals. Meanwhile, companies can benefit from loyal, passionate people who deliver excellent work.

Your company culture can make or break individual satisfaction levels, so it’s worth it to develop a hybrid work strategy that supports a positive culture. Talk to your teams, connect milestones and deadlines to company objectives, and give your staff flexibility to determine how they meet their work goals.

An established hybrid work strategy can also attract top talent and limit attrition.

Set Productivity Goals

One of the best ways to overcome the challenges of remote work management is to change how you grade staff performance. Rather than focus on how much time people spend working, switch to productivity benchmarks. Break strategies into action plans. Then, managers can assign tasks and key performance indicators (KPIs) to individuals. That way, each team can decide which work requires real-time collaboration and which can be done independently. By self-directing, hybrid teams can achieve goals with greater efficiency.

Empower Staff to Achieve More

Make collaborative days as productive and inspiring as possible. Metaverse workspaces and avatar interaction let everyone shift into a work mindset. Avatars give you the benefit of meeting as if you were in a physical office. Meeting leaders can address groups, gauge engagement, and bring up  presentation materials on web boards. Equipped with the tools required to perform, staff can work together to drive projects forward without ever coming into a physical office.

Want to learn more about the Metaverse and join in the discussion? Follow Virbela on LinkedIn.

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